Tuesday 15 November 2011

the review

The book''Animal farm was written by George Orwell. His actual name was Eric Arthur Blair.The latter was just his pseudonym.He was a novelist, essayist and journalist. He served with the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927 in Burma, fought in the Spanish Civil War and gained his experience from totalitarian and imperialistic systems. This attitude reflected in the satiric fable:Animal Farm.

George Orwell before writing the book, had an assertion that men exploited animals in much the same way as the rich exploited the proletariats. Also he thought that; if only animals became aware of

their strength we would have no power over

them. This inspired him to write the book.In this sense, the animals represented the proletariats while the Humans represented the Rich and those in authority.

It is a really interesting and thought-provoking book. Its so lovely how he used the animals to put across his message to the public. I have read and found out that Orwell was a great critic of Joseph Stalin;a tyrannical ruler in Russia in Orwell's days. His name Stalin was as a result of escaping exile seven times. It meant ''steel''. Apparently he was a ''hard'' man.

In the book, the pig; Napoleon was alluded to Stalin. Animal farm adressed the issues of corruption during revolution by leaders,wickedness,ignorance,greed and partiality. Napoleon was wicked, corrupt,greedy and partial although he had his pros. His cons outweighed them. The other animals acted ignorant. On several occasions squealer actually made them think they had forgotten how a commandment was initially written. They always agreed to whatever Napoleon said through squealer without thorough examination.

"No animal

shall sleep in beds" was changed to "No animal shall

sleep in beds with sheets" when the pigs were

discovered to have been sleeping in the old

farmhouse. "No animal shall drink alcohol" was

changed to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess" when the pigs discovered the farmer's

whisky. "Beasts of England" was later dubbed

inappropriate, as according to Napoleon the dream

of Animal Farm had been realised. It was replaced by

an anthem glorifying Napoleon, who was

adopting the lifestyle of a man. The pigs were corrupted by the absolute power they held over the farm. To maintain their popularity with the other animals, Squealer secretly painted additions to some commandments to benefit the pigs while keeping

them free of accusations of law-breaking.

The book is a perfect Satire. Almost all the main characters represented someone in authority during Orwell's time. All the happenings had their interpretation in reality.

Here are a few allusions.

The "Battle of the Windmill'' represents the repulse of the Duke of Brunswick in 1792, following the Prussian bombardment that made the windmill of Valmy famous."

Also, according to Peter Edgerly Firchow and Peter Hobley Davison,in real life,

with events in Animal Farm mirroring those in the Soviet Union, this fictional battle represents the Great Patriotic War (World War II), especially the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Moscow.

Prestwick House's Activity Pack for Animal Farm

also identifies the Battle of the Windmill as an

allegory for World War II.During the battle, Fredrick drills a hole and places explosives inside, and it is followed by "All the animals, except Napoleon" took cover;

Orwell had the publisher alter this from "All the

animals, including Napoleon" in recognition of Joseph Stalin's decision to remain in Moscow during the German advance.

The Battle of the Cowshed represents the allied invasion of the Soviet Russia in 1918 and the defeat of the White Russians in the Russian Civil War.

In a way the story can be alluded to a leader who died quite recently; Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi.

I say so because in the story, Napoleon led the same life Gaddafi did. He ruled autocratically but contributed profoundly to the well-being of his people.

Libya had great natural resources which Gaddafi utilized to help develop the country. Under Gaddafi's rule the country's literacy rate rose from 10% to 90%, life expectancy rose from 57 to 77 years, equal rights were established for women and black people, employment opportunities were established for migrant workers, and welfare systems were introduced that allowed access to

free education, free healthcare, and financial assistance for housing.In addition, financial support was provided for university scholarships and employment programs.Gaddafi also initiated development of the Great Man made River,in order to allow free access to fresh water across large parts of the country.The country was developed without taking any foreign loans, and, as a result, Libya was debt-free.

Similarly, Napoleon with the help of his fellow pigs and other animals broke the bounds of slavery upon themselves by driving Mr Jones out of ''Manor Farm''. After the exile of Snowball, he manned the farm with his intelligence. The animals' harvests were far better than when Jones was on the farm. They had enough to eat. Life was comfortable for the animals. Although he was autocratic, he helped the animals greatly with his brilliance.Under his supervision, the Windmill which was taken down several times was finally erected.

All i am trying to put across is, the story was so well written that it can be used to allude to leaders of modern times. Thats a great feature of the book and a nice feat attributed to Orwell. It can be said that he had great foresight. The Book ''Animal Farm is a great Satire and i know it will be read for donkey years.

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